40 Day Financial Fast
Welcome to the Year of Answered Prayer and Financial Freedom. View Here 40 Day Financial Fast
Welcome to the Year of Answered Prayer and Financial Freedom. View Here 40 Day Financial Fast
View the current issue of our exciting newspaper hot off the press. Printed copies are available onsite.
We will learn; Our history, Vision, fundamental beliefs of Salvation, What We Believe and Christian Stewardship. Time: 7:00pm -8:45pm EST Class 1: Mondays - Vision, History, Salvation, Forgiveness Class 2: Wednesdays - What we believe and stewardship Class 3: Thursdays - Spiritual Gifts and Emotional Maturity REGISTER HERE.
Afraid of public speaking? Looking to overcome your fear and improve you public speaking and leadership skills? Toastmasters International can help! What is Toastmasters: Toastmasters is a fun way for you to improve your communication and build skills to help in your career. Who We Are: We are Victorious Voices, a local Toastmasters club where […]