New Member’s Orientation
We will learn; Our history, Vision, fundamental beliefs of Salvation, What We Believe and Christian Stewardship. Time: 7:00pm -8:45pm EST Class 1: Mondays - Vision, History, Salvation, Forgiveness Class 2: Wednesdays - […]
We will learn; Our history, Vision, fundamental beliefs of Salvation, What We Believe and Christian Stewardship. Time: 7:00pm -8:45pm EST Class 1: Mondays - Vision, History, Salvation, Forgiveness Class 2: Wednesdays - […]
We will learn; Our history, Vision, fundamental beliefs of Salvation, What We Believe and Christian Stewardship. Time: 7:00pm -8:45pm EST Class 1: Mondays - Vision, History, Salvation, Forgiveness Class 2: Wednesdays - […]
Tell everyone you know to pull-up and pop their trunks on the first and third Saturdays for free groceries. The King's Table drive-through food distribution begins at 10:00 AM and […]
We will learn; Our history, Vision, fundamental beliefs of Salvation, What We Believe and Christian Stewardship. Time: 7:00pm -8:45pm EST Class 1: Mondays - Vision, History, Salvation, Forgiveness Class 2: Wednesdays - […]
We will learn; Our history, Vision, fundamental beliefs of Salvation, What We Believe and Christian Stewardship. Time: 7:00pm -8:45pm EST Class 1: Mondays - Vision, History, Salvation, Forgiveness Class 2: Wednesdays - […]
Tell everyone you know to pull-up and pop their trunks on the first and third Saturdays for free groceries. The King's Table drive-through food distribution begins at 10:00 AM and […]
iTithe Challenge The iTithe challenge is a church wide initiative where everyone can participate and take their trust in God to the next level through disciplined giving. If you are a New Member, Young Adult, Reoccurring Visitor, or someone who is ready to recommit in the area of giving tithes and offering, we invite you […]
We will learn; Our history, Vision, fundamental beliefs of Salvation, What We Believe and Christian Stewardship. Time: 7:00pm -8:45pm EST Class 1: Mondays - Vision, History, Salvation, Forgiveness Class 2: Wednesdays - […]
The Mission of the Prison Ministry at New Birth Missionary Baptist Church is to equip and restore those impacted by incarceration. The ministry ministers to the needs of those involved […]
We will learn; Our history, Vision, fundamental beliefs of Salvation, What We Believe and Christian Stewardship. Time: 7:00pm -8:45pm EST Class 1: Mondays - Vision, History, Salvation, Forgiveness Class 2: Wednesdays - […]
Tell everyone you know to pull-up and pop their trunks on the first and third Saturdays for free groceries. The King's Table drive-through food distribution begins at 10:00 AM and […]
New Birth, Stonecrest & DeKalb Habitat for Humanity is in Phase 2 of home building. Volunteers are needed and are required to register for May 11 and May 25. REGISTER […]