Habitat for Humanity
New Birth, Stonecrest & DeKalb Habitat for Humanity is in Phase 2 of home building. Volunteers are needed and are required to register for May 11 and May 25. REGISTER […]
New Birth, Stonecrest & DeKalb Habitat for Humanity is in Phase 2 of home building. Volunteers are needed and are required to register for May 11 and May 25. REGISTER […]
The Mission of the Prison Ministry at New Birth Missionary Baptist Church is to equip and restore those impacted by incarceration. The ministry ministers to the needs of those involved […]
New Birth and the Shelter Ministry are hosting a Baptism and Community Fair at Safe House Outreach. Safe House has been a staple in downtown Atlanta for decades providing services […]
We will learn; Our history, vision, fundamental beliefs of Salvation, what we believe and Christian Stewardship to name a few. Here are the details that you will need to join […]
We will embark on weekly fasts in 2024. Every Tuesday choosing from either: - Social Media Break - No Meats, Sweets, Bread, or Fried Foods - Liquids Only, No alcoholic […]
Tell everyone you know to pull-up and pop their trunks on the first and third Saturdays for free groceries. The King's Table drive-through food distribution begins at 10:00 AM and […]
Join us for guided prayer the 1st Saturday of every month.
We will learn; Our history, vision, fundamental beliefs of Salvation, what we believe and Christian Stewardship to name a few. Here are the details that you will need to join […]
We will embark on weekly fasts in 2024. Every Tuesday choosing from either: - Social Media Break - No Meats, Sweets, Bread, or Fried Foods - Liquids Only, No alcoholic […]
Afraid of public speaking? Looking to overcome your fear and improve you public speaking and leadership skills? Toastmasters International can help! What is Toastmasters: Toastmasters is a fun way for you to improve your communication and build skills to help in your career. Who We Are: We are Victorious Voices, a local Toastmasters club where […]
Join us for worship service Sunday as we celebrate and congratulate to our scholarship recipients and graduates!
We will learn; Our history, vision, fundamental beliefs of Salvation, what we believe and Christian Stewardship to name a few. Here are the details that you will need to join […]