Gideon’s Army Men’s Meeting
New Birth Cathedral 6400 Woodrow Rd, StonecrestNew Birth Men: Join us for the first meeting of the year. Dr. Bryant will bring the charge.
New Birth Men: Join us for the first meeting of the year. Dr. Bryant will bring the charge.
Taxpayer Advocate Service Your voice at the IRS will be there to assist you with any tax issues that you can't seem to resolve with the IRS. No appointment needed to speak with the taxpayer advocate. The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) FREE tax preparation by IRS trained and certified volunteers is available. This program […]
New Birth Women: Join us for the first meeting of the year. Dr. Bryant and Lady Bryant will bring the message.
Tell everyone you know to pull-up and pop their trunks on the first and third Saturdays for free groceries. The King's Table drive-through food distribution begins at 9:00 AM and continues on a first come, first served basis while supplies last. Volunteers are needed! Register here to volunteer at The King's Table. Corporate sponsors and […]
Join us for guided prayer the 1st Saturday of every month.
Afraid of public speaking? Looking to overcome your fear and improve you public speaking and leadership skills? Toastmasters International can help! What is Toastmasters: Toastmasters is a fun way for […]
We will learn: Our history, vision, fundamental beliefs of Salvation, what we believe and Christian Stewardship to name a few. Here are the details that you will need to join our virtual sessions that take place the 2nd Thursday or 2nd Saturday of each month. Quarterly in-person session options are available as well for those […]
We will learn: Our history, vision, fundamental beliefs of Salvation, what we believe and Christian Stewardship to name a few. Here are the details that you will need to join our virtual sessions that take place the 2nd Thursday or 2nd Saturday of each month. Quarterly in-person session options are available as well for those […]
Tell everyone you know to pull-up and pop their trunks on the first and third Saturdays for free groceries. The King's Table drive-through food distribution begins at 9:00 AM and […]
We will learn: Our history, vision, fundamental beliefs of Salvation, what we believe and Christian Stewardship to name a few. Saturday Session Time: 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM EST Our […]
Afraid of public speaking? Looking to overcome your fear and improve you public speaking and leadership skills? Toastmasters International can help! What is Toastmasters: Toastmasters is a fun way for […]
We will dedicate our children and babies back to the Lord and making a commitment to raise them according to God's Word and God’s Ways. Registration is required. March 30 […]